Education for the real world
Tutor Success Stories
Here’s a snippet of our the things our students have to say about Creadom’s various programs and courses.

Raghav Bhatia
MBA, IIM Indore
It is not a course but a reality check as to how our mind works considering the placement as the only option and how we can explore the wider picture by identifying our interests and future goals which sir helps us in.

Prachi Patil
MBA, SIBM Bengaluru
As a 1st-year MBA student, I was overwhelmed with so many options to choose from, but you gave me direction. The concepts are unique, comprehensive, and well-organized.

Sushant Agarwal
MBA, IMT Ghaziabad
I have learned a lot and I am looking forward to learn more and more with Darpan Sir. In short an excellent approach and a enriching experience.

Smrutiranjan Das
MBA, IIM Jammu
You clarified the path I want to take in the future and the skills I need to acquire. I feel more confident about going to my MBA interviews now.

Surabhi Bhuyan
MBA, IIFT Kolkata
My previous Digital Marketing Certifications were all generic, and I wanted something new. The course was a blessing for me and answered all my questions.

Sarthak Bhargava
I am enrolled in Creadom and it would be an understatement to say that it has totally changed my world view. Darpan sir has taught us so amazingly. The course is very much important to get the career clarity.